DURATIONS: 10 DAYS RETREAT (8 Days Practice; 2 days Tibetan Losar New Year Celebration with the Host Family)
SEATS: Minimum 1; Maximum 8
COSTS: US$ 3000/- per person (Foreign Nationals)
INR 1,50,000/- per person (Indian Nationals)
WHERE: Nestled in the Himalayas in Northern India is the Centre for Living Buddhist Art. The Centre includes Himalayan Art Museum, Thangde Gatsal Art School and Studio, Nalanda Temple and Tara Gardens. Situated next to a forest, the property has scenic views of the mountains and ample space around for being in the lap of nature. Envisioned by Master Locho and his wife Dr Sarika Singh, the space exhibits 45 contemporary quality Thangka paintings based on the 2500 years tradition of Buddhist Paintings gradually carried forward by Indian and Tibetan masters.
CONTENT: The retreat includes
Buddhist Meditation,
Tibetan Exercises and Prostrations,
Recitation of Prayer and Mantras,
Nature Walks,
Home-made meals,
Access to the Museum and Library,
Tibetan drawing/painting sessions and Celebration of the Tibetan New Year Losar towards the end of the Retreat.
The participants may choose from one of the following themes.
Buddha face, body and robes (drawing)
Tara face, body and robes (Drawing)
Landscape (Drawing and Inking)
8 Auspicious Symbol (Drawing and Inking)
Peony flower with leaves (Drawing, Inking and Coloring)
Lotus flower with leaves (Drawing, Inking and Coloring)
Clouds Painting (drawing, Inking and Coloring)
Master Locho ( Master Teacher and finest Thangka Artist)
Dr Sarika Singh ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Lobsang Tsaten (Assistant Master)