Himalayan Art Museum
Discover the Journey of 2,300 Years of Buddhist Paintings, through 45 masterpiece paintings, created over span of 25 years, by Master Locho and Dr. Sarika Singh. The Museum connects us to the rich cultural heritage of India and Tibet and can be viewed Online and On Location.

Tibetan Thangka Painting & Classical Hatha Yoga Retreat
A 15-day retreat in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, combining Tibetan Thangka Painting and Classical Hatha Yoga. Participants explore Indo-Himalayan sacred arts, spiritual practices, and well-being, guided by experienced masters. The program offers transformative experiences, sacred art creation, and tools for lifelong joy and health

Thangde Gatsal Thangka Painting School
Founded in 2002, preserves the tradition of Thangka Painting, which lives through the Guru-Shishya Parampara (Master- Student Relationship). It provides Thangka training from beginners to advance levels, in Online and On Location mode.

살아있는 불교 미술 센터
다람살라의 히말라야 산맥 무릎에 자리잡은 '살아있는 불교 예술 센터'는 최고의 불화 거장인 마스터 로초와 사리카 싱 박사 가 공동 설립했습니다. 센터에는 다음이 포함됩니다.
카탈로그 쇼핑
히말라야 미술관
병동 No-14, MC 다람살라.
마을: Kandi, PO: Khaniyara
테실: 다르살라 지구: Kangra,
히마찰프라데시 -인도- 176218
이것은 사립 박물관이며 사전 예약을 통해서만 방문할 수 있습니다.
주 7일, 오전 10시 - 오후 7시